Sunday, September 21, 2008

Alice Christie's Site

After looking through Dr. Christie's site I saw several things would greatly aid a teacher in his or her classroom. I was particularly interested in the section that talks about having an effective website. I think for any profession trying to disseminate information through the web, having an accurate, easy to use site is paramount. It is fairly easy to develop a website but to create an exceptional site takes some time and effort. Dr. Christie lists certain points that good websites should have.

She has created a rubric to help her audience gauge the quality of the site they are developing. There are ratings of emerging, developing and exemplary with explanations of what makes a site so. She gives specific points a website should consider, such as philosophy, curriculum, audience, etc. and describes what they look like at each rating. Of course, it would be desirable to achieve an exemplary site and she helps you see what you need to accomplish that. As I said before, I think a good website can be an extremely valuable tool, but in the same vein, a poor website can be frustrating and useless. I think Dr. Christie has a very easy to understand, helpful rubric to assist educators in developing sites for their schools or personal classrooms.

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